Come and join us for 5 magical days of music, workshops, storytelling, great food and so much more!

(Workshop und Geschichten sind auf Englisch – jedoch bieten wir gerne auch sprachliche Unterstützung an; Grundlage sind Grundkenntnisse und Verständigungsmöglichkeit auf Englisch.)
(L’atelier et les histoires sont en anglais – mais nous proposons volontiers un soutien linguistique ; la base est d’avoir des connaissances de base et de pouvoir se faire comprendre en anglais).

Through story, music and walking, we will be crossing borders, visiting places in between, and journeying to the far reaches of imagination, dream worlds and beyond.

Time works differently in the Borderland! As Autumn becomes Winter, the first snows may already settle in the Jura mountains. Le Locle, on the Swiss side of the border to France, is the perfect place to journey to and forget about time… Together, against this magical backdrop, we will be mapping time and connection; the time found in the dwindling fragrance of flowers, the singing of birds, the rustle of the wind through the falling leaves.

Over 4 days of workshops, we will be exploring the role of the ancestral. As the days shorten and the nights get longer, the twilight and the fireside offer quiet times to reconnect to a deep ancestral wisdom that speaks in riddles, poems, songs, and story. It will be a time of reflection, of looking inwards, while dropping deeper into space and location. We will be walking the territory of story, song, or memory. Establishing a rhythm of connectivity, finally balanced with the weather, and the land.

Join us, to nourish our bodies, minds and spirits. Discover the energy of place, wild plants, craftswomanship, and most of all, stories to live with in these times of chaos and upheaval.

More information & details online here or in PDF format here

For questions and registration contact

Also, if you would like to make a contribution of any kind to the storytelling & music & exploring activities, do let us know!

If you think this is really for you but are struggling financially, we will do our best to help finding solutions.