(English below)
Flowing & Growing, ein Wochenende im Zeichen des Wassers

Wir erkunden die Wege des Wassers, seine An- und Abwesenheit in der Region, entdecken seine Schönheit in der aktuellen Ausstellung von Edward Burtynsky im  Museum MBAL.ch und lernen mit Antonio Scarponi den hydroponischen Gartenbau kennen, eine Anbautechnik, mit der man zu Hause Lebensmittel anbauen kann und die bis zu 90% des Wassers einspart.

Von Samstag oder bereits Freitagabend, für diejenigen, die früh anreisen möchten, bis Sonntag werden wir dem Fluss folgen und, je nach Wetterlage, den Espace UNESCO, die unterirdischen Mühlen, den Lac des Brenets und die beeindruckenden Felsen von Roches des Morons besuchen.

English Version (depending on the participants, the workshop will be held in English and German)

A weekend dedicated the importance of water

We will investigate the importance of water, its presence and absence in the region, discover its beauty in the current exhibition of Edward Burtynsky at the nearby museum MBAL.ch, and learn with Antonio Scarponi about hydroponic gardening, a farming technique to grow food in your home that safes up to 90% of water.  

From Saturday or already Friday evening, for those who can arrive early, to Sunday we will follow the flow and, depending on the weather visit the MBAL museum, Underground Mills, Lake des Brenets and the impressive Rocks at Roches des Morons.

Wann: Samstag/Sonntag, 26./27. November 2022, 10-17h (inkl. leichtem Mittagessen)
Wo: Guesthouse Le Locle,  www.guesthouse-lelocle.ch
Kosten: Fr. 250.-, mit gemeinsamem Abendessen am Samstag, Unterkunft separat. 


On Eliooo, by Antonio Scarponi (der Workshop wird auf Englisch und Deutsch geführt)

«Eliooo is an instruction manual for a product that only exists if you build it. By following the instructions, you will become the manufacturer of an idea.  Rather than mindlessly producing new stuff, distributing it, and reinventing new production and distribution chains, we should find new ways of assembling what we already have. For this reason, I have designed a system to produce your food, using inexpensive IKEA boxes.

This system uses hydroponics, a farming technique that can grow plants in water instead of soil. Hydroponics allows you to save up to 90% of the water used in traditional agriculture systems, requires much less space, and provides you with complete control of the nutrients needed by the plants at each stage of their growth. Another great thing about hydroponics is that you don’t have to worry about watering the plants.

But the goal of design is also to inspire. Tinker with the configurations, tweak the system, play with the design, build something. Be inventive. Grow your food.

Antonio Scarponi is an architect, designer, educator, cultural activist, and founder of the Zurich-based practice Conceptual Devices. His work has a long track record of soilless urban agriculture to «farm the city» as a cultural and socio-economic environment.

He contributes to several international design magazines, including Domus, Wired and Architectural Design. In addition, he received several prizes, including the Curry Stone Design Price, awarding social design pioneers. His works have been widely exhibited in museums and galleries internationally and are part of several permanent collections. 

He currently teaches at the Zurich University of the Arts, where he is the co-head of the Certificate of Advanced Studies «Transforming Space».